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Passion Projects

make art. have fun. do good.


Creative Potluck

Creative Potluck is an artist collective I founded in 2019. It brings together creative folks (both artists and non-artists alike) to make and enjoy art for the sake of making and enjoying art. We have hosted more than thirty Potlucks from Brooklyn, Baltimore, and Durham, North Carolina. "Potluckers" have joined virtually from across North America as well as from Colombia, Ghana, and Hawaii. Potluck is fun.


I am a co-creator at Seam, a distributed community organization seeking to create pathways to personal and collective flourishing for emerging adults. So far, we have organized retreat experiences in San Diego, Joshua Tree, Albuquerque, and the Poconos. Seam is a true gem. Come weave a new social fabric with us rooted in joy, tranformative relationships, and imaginative justice! (Pictured: A group of seamsters roadtripping around Albuquerque to witness the world largest hot air balloon festival!)

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